Mental health is a central part of overall health and well-being. It is important to talk about mental health as a positive thing that can be strengthened and promoted at the individual, community, and societal levels. In this article, you can find information on what causes mental well-being issues for displacement or newcomers, the ways mental health is supported, and the services available.

What causes mental well-being issues?

When someone relocates to a new country, learns the language, and immerses themselves in a new culture, they are constantly under stress and strain. The following are a few factors that affect the mental health of newcomers and displaced people:

  • Racism and discrimination 
  • Isolation 
  • Uncertainty in finances 
  • Absence of inclusivity 
  • Language and cultural barriers 
  • Challenges in obtaining social and medical services. 

Particularly, mental health is also affected by tragic past experiences, the situation in their country of origin and situations of those close to them, and uncertainty about the future.

How do you support mental well-being?

Enhancing mental well-being promotes the community's overall integration and participation in their new communities. Mental well-being is closely linked to one's ability to adapt, communicate, and engage meaningfully with others. In addition, prioritizing mental well-being among newcomers aligns with the principles of social justice. Every individual, regardless of their background, deserves access to adequate mental health care and support. Below are five key themes to be addressed to improve access to mental health care:

Community support: Evidence shows that being part of a community with a shared background and attending school are associated with lower rates of mental disorders. 

Basic needs and security: For example, an insecure legal status can contribute to poor mental health.

Stigma: experiences of racism and discrimination are consistently associated with adverse mental health outcomes. 

Adversity and trauma: For example, extended detention is associated with increased rates of depression and PTSD.

Access to services: Newcomers often do not prioritize their mental health because they are not aware of the services available free of charge or do not accept health care due to language barriers and concerns around confidentiality.

What are the available services? 

There are numerous resources available to newcomers and displaced people that support and enhance mental health. Social connections and a healthy lifestyle are two of these. Furthermore, the following variables contribute to the well-being of the affected population: 

  • Ability to live together with their family
  • Commonality
  • Religious beliefs 
  • Equality. 

In Libya, you can access mental health services through the following: 

1. Government Health Services: Libya's government provides some mental health services through public hospitals and clinics, such as the Alrazi clinic, and the Psycare clinic. Please note that these clinics do not provide free services for non-Libyans. 

2. Non-profit Organizations: Itizan operates in Tripoli to provide mental health support and services. This organization offers counseling, therapy, and community support programs for individuals dealing with mental health challenges.

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